About this event
THIS IS A MASTERCLASS FOR : All Home & Community Support Services Agencies Calendar: First Session: January 2, 2020 Future Sessions are scheduled the first Saturday of the month LifeStyle & Business Consulting Services (formerly Community Care Consultant) will sponsor monthly meetings that introduces the experience health care professional to the business of healthcare business ownership. Participants will gain an understanding of how to develop and implement a successful healthcare business . These interactive workshops will provide contact hours required by state continuing education guidelines for health care agency administrators after each session. The meeting will present slide and video presentation of actual home-based and free-standing agencies developed using the DIY Healthcare Agency Ownership Manual. This program previously received 42.7 Contact Hours from The Association of Nurses Credentialing Center. Not currently available for virtual masterclass. https://www.nursingworld.org/ The manual was developed especially for the Do It Yourselfer with limited income and resources to hire a huge consulting firm, costing 25K and up just for the infrastructure alone. The manual is filled with pertinent information and easy-to-use sample editable policies and procedures required by state and federal licensure and certification agencies. All editable policies and procedures are sold separately and available for immediate downloadable during this meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, don't miss the chance to purchase this video and complete manual separately. Register Today Enrollment is Limited to 75 Participants Act Now!! First 25 to purchase the Complete Manual will receive 8 hour Instructions with Q&A and 30 Days 1:1 group support. Meeting Regulatory Compliance Requirements. Complete Manual Full Price $3750.00 Includes everything covered in the meeting plus all required policies and procedures Bringing Your Vision Into Reality is My Passion LifeStyle Business Strategist Creative Visionary Is My SuperPower Participants Please Join Our Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bnerus
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The DIY Queen Let’s DIY-IT
HeyU, Wassup. I'm Dr. Sue “Neesy” Croft, owner of LifeStyle & Business Consulting Services, Inc since 1995, the Master Business Cardologer, at Your Passion2Profit Headquarters. Our mission is to assist and/or inspire new and experienced entrepreneurs to achieve their purpose-passion while assisting them in building your Passion2Profit Business.